Risk Certificate

I understand travelling/stay with ekkarvaan may involve risks above and beyond those encountered on a more conventional holiday, and that I am undertaking an adventure trip with inherent dangers. I understand I am travelling to geographical areas where, amongst other things, the standard of accommodation, transport, safety, hygiene, cleanliness, medical facilities, telecommunications and infrastructure development may not be of the standard that I am used to at home or would find on conventional holiday. I have read and understood ekkarvaan’s terms and conditions for this trip. I am not having any pre-existing medical condition and I am physically fit to undertake this trip. I accept these risks, obligations and responsibility for any risks involved, and shall not hold ekkarvaan liable for any kind of outcome including death.

I understand during my trip there may be opportunities to undertake activities, which do not form part of the itinerary. I understand ekkarvaan makes no representations about the safety of the adventure activities, or the standard of the independent operator running it. I also understand ekkarvaan is in no way responsible for my safety, should I elect to enter into such optional activities. With full knowledge of the above, I may still elect to partake in the activity, and if I do so, I assume full responsibility for any risks involved, and shall not hold ekkarvaan liable for any outcome including death.

ekkarvaan is not liable for independent contractors. The hill station carries onboard service providers who operate as independent contractors. Their services and products are charged as extras. ekkarvaan is not responsible for their performance or products. These contractors may include doctor, medical personnel, hairdresser, manicurist, masseuse, photographer, entertainer, fitness instructors, spa personnel, beauticians, internet/I.T. personnel or other instructional concessionaires, art or other auctioneers, shopkeepers, taxi operators and any third party providing services. These contractors work directly for the Client when performing their services. ekkarvaan is not responsible for any such person acts or omissions in providing goods or services to the Client.

Neither ekkarvaan nor the Carrier owns or controls any such independent contractors, makes no representation of any kind as to their performance and does not undertake to supervise their activities. Any Guest using such services or activities shall be deemed to agree and consent that any liability for any death, personal injury, illness, emotional distress, mental suffering or psychological injury to the guest or loss of or damage to property shall be the sole responsibility of the provider of such service or activity. Neither ekkarvaan nor the Carrier shall be or become liable or responsible in any way for any act or omission of any such provider pertaining to, or arising from or in connection with such services or activities.

ekkarvaan shall not be liable in any way to the Client for death, bodily injury, illness, damage, delay or other loss or detriment to person or property, or financial costs both direct and indirect incurred, or for ekkarvaan failure to commence, perform and/ or complete any duty owed to the Client if such death, delay, bodily injury (including emotional distress or injury), illness, damage or other loss or detriment to person or property is caused by Act of Nature, war or war like operations, mechanical breakdowns, terrorist activities or threat thereof, civil commotions, labour difficulties, interference by authorities, political disturbance, howsoever and where so ever any of the same may arise or be caused, riot, insurrection and government restraint, fire, extreme weather or any other cause whatsoever beyond the reasonable control of ekkarvaan the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all due care had been exercised; or an event which ekkarvaan or the supplier of services, even with all due care, could not foresee. The Client acknowledges he or she will be visiting places where the political, cultural and geographical attributes present certain risks, dangers and physical challenges greater than those present in his or her daily lives.

By booking travel with ekkarvaan, the Client acknowledges she or he has considered the potential risks, dangers and challenges, and expressly assumes the risks attendant to such travel conditions. The Client is solely responsible for acquainting themselves with customs, weather conditions, physical challenges and laws in effect at each stop along the itinerary, and are encouraged to locate or make contact prior to embarkation with his/her local embassy or consulate in each destination.

Unwelcome actions such as the following are inappropriate and, depending on the circumstances, may in and of themselves meet the definition of sexual harassment:

● Sexual pranks, or repeated sexual teasing, jokes, or innuendo, in person or any other means
● Verbal abuse of a sexual nature
● Touching or grabbing of a sexual nature
● Repeatedly standing too close to or brushing up against a person
● Repeatedly asking a person to socialize when the person has said no or has indicated he or she is not
● Giving gifts or leaving objects that are sexually suggestive
● Repeatedly making sexually suggestive gestures
● Unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that affects the vibe of the environment A victim of sexual harassment can be a man or a woman.

The victim can be of the same sex as the harasser. The violation of any of the above clauses will result in the termination of the trip of the offender with no refunds and an FIR will be lodged against the offender. At all times the decision of ekkarvaan or representative will be final on all matters likely to endanger the safety and well being of the tour. By booking with ekkarvaan, the Client agrees to abide by the authority of the tour leader/captain or ekkarvaan representative. The Client must at all times strictly comply with the laws, customs and drug regulations of the country or state. If the Client is affected by any condition, medical or otherwise, that might affect other people enjoyment of the tour; the Client must advise ekkarvaan at the time of booking. Should the Client fail to comply with the above or commit any illegal act when on the tour or, if in the opinion of the tour leader, the Client behaviour is causing or is likely to cause danger, distress or annoyance to others, ekkarvaan may terminate that Client’s travel arrangements without any liability on ekkarvaan part and the Client will not be entitled to any refund for unused or missed services or costs incurred resulting from the termination of the travel arrangements.

Risk Form